Destiny Dreamz

Destiny Dreamz is our dream interpretation team that we formed in 2005 because of our passion to help people understand their dreams. We are all ‘dreamers’ and have spent many years studying dream interpretation and symbolic language. We approach fellow seekers with a wealth of experience in bringing light and hope–through dream interpretation and spiritual encouragement.

You can schedule our Dream Team for events—schools, outreach, conferences. We offer dream interpretations, spiritual readings, ‘encouraging words’, and destiny direction.

Our team is also available to teach classes for your group or organization on prophetic encouragement and dream interpretation.

Check out our one-on-one or group Personal Dream Interpretation Mentoring.

Please contact us for more information.

Merry Burkhalter

As a miner diligently searches for the mother lode, Merry has passionately chiseled to discover the wealth of mysterious, yet intelligible dream-language. In 2005, upon successfully interpreting literally thousands of dreams under the supervision of The Institute for Spiritual Development, Merry was released as a Master dream interpreter. She continues to delight in uncovering hidden, symbolic treasures for herself and others. Those who invite her into their own dream-journeys are delighted with the illumination she provides.

Merry’s artistic and spiritual resources are loaded upon dependable tracks of training. She holds a degree in English, and has invested hundreds of classroom hours in learning and practicing counseling and interpersonal communication. She interprets dreams and trains other interpreters, vocationally, and has garnered a reputation for her accuracy, compassion, leadership, and prophetic insight in her community. She equips, mentors, and mobilizes ‘dream teams’ all over the world.

You might stumble upon her assisting others in the most unexpected places: a motorcycle rally, a desert Arts Festival, a holistic health fair, or a county Juvenile Detention facility. She is married to Walter and and together they have eight children and four precious grandchildren, and they live in Darien, Wisconsin. Her flair for what is lovely and joyful is contagious to everyone she encourages.

Destiny Dreamz is dedicated to helping people bring clarity and simplicity to the hidden and symbolic guidance given through their dreams. Our goal is to help people find the right spiritual path for their life—to succeed and find fulfillment as they walk in focused purpose, while using their strengths and abilities.

We gladly volunteer our time for most of our reach-outs, events, classes, dream interpretations, and personal ministry. Your donation or dream submittal blesses us to cover travel and set-up expenses for future venues.
Thank you very much!