What is Burning Man?

What is Burning Man?

Burning Man 2011 Imagine 70,000 people trekking out to a desert wasteland to set up camp for a week and to participate in a temporary city life where there they assume different ‘playa’ names, live in tents or operate artsy theme camps. No running water, clothing is optional, and virtually any form of self-expression is encouraged.

Burning Man is a week-long annual event that began in San Francisco’s Baker Beach in 1986. It takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy, which is set alight on Saturday evening. The event is described as an experiment in community, art, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance.

Friends at Burning Man 2014Burning Man is one of the largest arts festivals in the world. It is located in a dusty, dry lakebed a three-hour drive from Reno, Nevada, the last week of August every year through Labor day (website: burning man.org it’s explicit, so surf carefully). People come from all over the world to become a ‘burner’, to experience ‘freedom’ for a week. Artists create massive colorful displays, costumes, theme camps, troll the desert city in art deco vehicles. The culmination is the last night when they burn the constructed ‘man’ and the other art.

Most burners seem hungry for beyond-the-ordinary experiences. They are longing for deep connection and spiritual fulfillment. For a week, a city is built, folks live in community, sharing food, relationship, art, and handmade gifts.

Each year, our team aims to bless the other burners. We hand out water to drink, offer food or shade in our large tent, and serve from a ‘menu’ of spiritual activities, such as dream interpretation, root recovery, spiritual ‘enemas’, treasure readings, encouraging words, father or mother blessings, etc. This year we are adding a special event: Fire pit with bacon S’mores (with peanut butter cups—you gotta try it). We love burners because of their friendliness, openness, and desire for deeper things in life.

Watching Burning Man2016 was my eighth year to attend Burning Man. Our team loves facilitating encounters between burners and the Spirit of Truth. People can tangibly feel the love atmosphere in our camp because of our unity and friendship. We go out and meet our ‘neighbors’, helping them set up camp, offering tools, supplies, welcoming them to come enjoy food or a spiritual experience that often changes them dramatically. We’ve often heard from filled-up folks after their encounters, “This was the best experience I’ve ever had at Burning Man.” Or, “THIS is what I came here for!”

Burning Man is an extreme event. Burners pack everything in and out for their week stay. Wifi is rare and there is no cell service. The temperatures can reach 120 during the day, and the dust storms become fierce elements to contend with. Grace is needed for a week of porta-potties. Even more, the spiritual darkness can frighten or bewilder if one is not prepared and alert.

For more information, please check my Facebook page and website. Every day I am posting information and stories to raise awareness and funds. Feel free to share with your friends who may want to invest in this adventure.

If you feel led, please pray for us! If you would like to donate money to help provide our team with food and supplies, help with travel expenses, etc., your gifts are needed. Please go to www.Destiny Dreamz Partners to give your gift. Thanks in advance!

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